Almerich nos pidió que desarrolláramos una lámpara para baño diferente y multifuncional. Flux son dos láminas de Corian© traslúcido curvado enfrentadas y con movimiento entre sí, de forma podemos graduar la luz que sale de la lámpara. Además tenemos la posibilidad de colocarla tanto en vertical como horizontalmente.
Almerich asked us to develop a different and multifunctional bathroom light. Flux are two translucent Corian © sheets curved that can move between each other, so we can scale the light coming from the lamp. We also have the ability to place both vertically and horizontally.
Almerich asked us to develop a different and multifunctional bathroom light. Flux are two translucent Corian © sheets curved that can move between each other, so we can scale the light coming from the lamp. We also have the ability to place both vertically and horizontally.
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